You now have the opportunity to partner with BaronSeries.com, one of the fastest growing brands in wealth and business education. For more information on advertising opportunities and pricing, please
email our Ad Sales department.
Advertising Types and Sizes Available
- The Baron Series™ Opt-in E-Newletter
- Masthead: 468x60
- Sponsorships: 120x60, 120x240, 125x125, 120x600, 88x31
- Interstitials
- Rich Media (DHTML, Flash, Java)
- PopUp: 247x247, 330x330
- Large Rectangle: 336x280
- BaronSeries.com Footer
*All advertising on BaronSeries.com is subject to approval by Long & Silverman Publishing, Inc.
Current BaronSeries.com Advertising Specials
1 Month of Newsletter Advertising (4 Issues)
120x240 Banner
Cost: $125.00
1 Month of Newsletter Advertising (4 Issues)
120x600 Banner
Cost: $200.00
1 Month of Newsletter Advertising (4 Issues)
& Website Advertising
120x240 Banner
Cost: $250.00
1 Month of Newsletter Advertising (4 Issues)
& Website Advertising
120x600 Banner
Cost: $300.00
3 Months of Newsletter Advertising (12 Issues)
& Website Advertising
120x600 Banner
Cost: $500.00
6 Months of Newsletter Advertising (24 Issues)
& Website Advertising
120x600 Banner
Cost: $750.00
12 Months of Newsletter Advertising (52 Issues)
& Website Advertising
120x600 Banner
Cost: $1,000.00