Affluence vs. Prosperity: Promoting Wealth Awareness
By Vicky Therese Davis, A.J.P.
From childhood into our adult lives, our minds have been ingrained with the want for
money and riches; those are the symbols of success. So we work doggedly in our dead-end
office jobs trying to get rich, but only tiring ourselves mentally and physically. Then the day
comes when we have accrued a sufficient amount of money in our account(s); we get
comfortable enough to start buying some of the material things we have always wanted.
Of course, we tend to forget at times that we cannot buy the things that are most important
in life: health, spiritual wealth, love, and happiness, or world peace, even though many have
tried to no avail. We were rarely, if ever, told the difference between being only materially rich
and having a life of overall abundance.
One of my goals after writing The Baron Son has become to teach how different
it is to be merely affluent as opposed to being prosperous. Prosperity comes to
you regardless of how much is in your bank account or how much you own; it has
more to do with the positive results from what you have achieved in life and its
effects on you and your loved ones.
When the protagonist in The Baron Son is faced with deciding his life’s purpose, he realizes that
helping others while attaining wealth is an even greater feeling. The Baron learns that by providing
people with a service not only helps him financially, he is also serving a greater good. Even if he would
have to relinquish all his material possessions, the Baron would still have led a fortunate life and be
able to start fresh. Through a succession of failures and successes, he learns that material gain does
not control him. This is a crucial lesson many of us forget in our pursuit of caviar wishes and champagne
Too many people have acquired great material wealth and have said that they were miserable. We have
all heard repeatedly that money cannot buy happiness. Why have we heard this phrase time and again?
Because it is true. So bearing this universal statement in mind, take the time to really think about your life’s
purpose. Are you only seeking material gain? Do you know what you truly want from life? What do success,
wealth, and prosperity mean to you? Write down the things and actions that have made you happy. Make a
list of accomplishments and the emotions that are drawn up from those experiences. I am certain that once
you take the time to think about what and who is important to you, your path to living a life of prosperity will
be right in front of you.
Money can’t buy you clarity!
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