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What is THE BARON SOLUTION™, and how is different than other business and financial training programs?
William R. Patterson, Vicky Therese Davis, and D. Marques Patton ("PDP") are authorities on peak performance and the development of human potential.
Their winning strategies have been endorsed by many of the world's top industry leaders, salespersons, and financial advisors.
They have dedicated over a decade to researching peak performers and highly successful professionals, and condensed their findings into THE BARON SOLUTION, a breakthrough productivity-enhancing curriculum that has helped many to increase sales and leverage others to create wealth.
THE BARON SOLUTION helps you to identify the characteristics worth replicating of the successful people in your field, and focus your behavior on the actions that have the greatest impact on your desired outcome. By combining elements found in business,
personal finance, philosophy, psychology, and self-improvement, it is considered one of the most unique and effective programs available today.
Where can I find a list of scheduled events and appearances featuring William R. Patterson, Vicky Therese Davis, and D. Marques Patton (“PDP”)?
You can always find the latest PDP itinerary in the News & Events section of The Baron Series Website
How can I schedule an author interview or appearance?
To request an author interview, please call (888) 90-BARON (22766). You may also fax the request on your letterhead
to (509) 275-9448 or send a written letter to:
Publicity Department
Long & Silverman Publishing, Inc.
800 North Rainbow Boulevard, Suite 208
Las Vegas, NV 89107-1103
To inquire about an author appearance for a speaking engagement,
conference or other event, please fax the request to (509) 275-9448, or email Long & Silverman Publishing, Inc. Public Relations.
Where can I find information on the latest products and services from PDP?
By subscribing to The Baron Series Video Newsletter you can access valuable information to improve your personal financial situation or business,
and find out first about the latest products and services available from PDP. You also visit The Baron Series Online Store.
How can I contact the authors?
You may reach the authors by sending an email to the Long & Silverman Publishing, Inc. Public Relations department.
How do I submit a testimonial to share how The Baron Son and other PDP products and services have benefited me?
We would love to hear your comments and testimonials on how our offerings have benefited you. To share your comments or success story, please email us your feedback.
What does “Vade Mecum®" mean?
Vade Mecum is defined as a guidebook kept constantly at hand. Its origin is modern Latin. Literally translated, it means "go with me."
How can I order a Baron Series product for resale?
If you are a bookseller, please contact Biblio Distribution, Inc. to submit your purchase order using the information below.
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If you are not a traditional bookseller, please contact Long & Silverman Publishing, Inc. directly by email or telephone at (888) 90-BARON (22766).
How can I advertise on BaronSeries.com?
Please see our Advertising page for the types and sizes available. You may also email our Ad Sales department for rate card information.
I would like to offer The Baron Son and/or other PDP products as premiums and giveaways to clients. Where can I find information on the discounts available for quantity sales?
To check on product availability and ordering information, please email or call the Long & Silverman Publishing, Inc. Sales Department at (888) 90-BARON (22766).
I am interested in using PDP products in my classroom or trainings. Where can I find information regarding academic adoptions?
One of the cornerstone principles for The Baron Series is our commitment to supplement teachers' efforts with cutting edge reading material.
For trade discounts available on academic adoptions, you may email or call the Long & Silverman Publishing, Inc. Sales Department at (888) 90-BARON (22766).
Please provide the following information: intended use, class size, course name and course frequency.