"Considering that gold multiplieth not of its own accord, I offer that 'tis only a man lacking vision who possesseth nothing." - The Baron Son
Five Ways to Dramatically Improve Your Finances in 2007

National bestselling author and award-winning lecturer William R. Patterson appears on
Money Matter$ with Barry Armstrong on WBNW 1120 AM in Boston to discuss Five Ways to Dramatically
Improve Your Finances in 2007.
Listen Now!
Four Questions for Financial Success
Length: 2:12 Minutes
In its simplest state, financial success begins and ends with four
- Where am I now?
- Where do I want to be?
- How do I get there?
- How can I tell if my plan is working?
Listen Now!
THE BARON SOLUTION 5-Week Entrepreneurship Training
Dates: Thursday, March 15th - April 12th
Time: 8:30 -10:00 PM EST
Seminar Description:
There is no need squander your efforts with strategies that have no hope of returning your investment, much less
yielding a profit. Let THE BARON SOLUTION 5-Week Entrepreneurship Training empower you with the knowledge necessary
to identify and replicate the tactics of the most successful people and companies in your field. Whether you are a new or seasoned
entrepreneur, THE BARON SOLUTION strategies will help you leverage your time and other resources to maximize profits and returns.
This concentrated 5-week course will show you how to:
- Find a great business idea and create a market niche
- Write a business plan that will attract investors
- Perfect your business model
- Find the best professional advisors
- Protect your ideas
- Form and effectively manage various entities including Corporations, Limited Partnerships (LPs), and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs)
- Finance your business with debt and/or equity
- Build business credit that does not require a personal credit check or guarantee
- Find the most appropriate investors and lenders
- Choose the right business partners
- Generate free publicity for your business
- Use winning strategies to sell your products and services online and offline
- Find untapped online resources for market research, low cost advertising and promotion
- Profitably market your products, services, and business on a limited budget
- Work with distributors, wholesalers, and retailers
- Find methods to dramatically increase your business referrals
- Find new markets to sell your products and services
- Form strategic partnerships to multiply your income
- Leverage key resources and people to help you create wealth
- Optimize your business activities to boost productivity, income, and cash flow
- Automate your business
- Turn your business into a franchise
- Determine the value of your business
- Sell your business
- Explore options of Direct Public Offerings (DPOs) and Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)
You will be exposed to these ideas and much more!
Register NOW!
The Ultimate BARON Wealth-Building Bundle
Due to your many requests, for a short time and limited number of BARON subscribers, we will be extending the discount on The Ultimate BARON Wealth-Building Bundle.
Please take advantage of the package now! Once this offer expires the price of each teleseminar will increase from $49.95 to $99.95 and the price of The Ultimate BARON Wealth-Building Bundle
will rise from $249.95 to $499.95.
Invest in yourself and make 2014 your best year ever! For those who are serious about attaining financial independence, we've put together a very special offer, The Ultimate BARON Wealth-Building Bundle.
This bundle includes:
- The Baron Son - Hard Cover Book ($19.95 Value)
- The Baron Son - Audio Book ($29.98 Value)
- THE BARON SOLUTION - Six-Teleseminar Package ($599.70 Value)
- A New Mindset: How to Overcome Debt and Build Wealth
- BARON Tools and Strategies for Stock Market Investing
- BARON Real Estate Investment Strategies
- Personal Finance & Entrepreneurship Success Fundamentals
- How to Start and Run Your Business the Right Way
- Accessing Capital: How to Obtain Government Grants
- FREE Audio Files, E-books, and Discounts ($3,631.00 Value)
We have teamed up with Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, David Bach, and many other extraordinary
experts and international best-selling authors on wealth-building, personal development, leadership, business,
and success to bring you vital resources designed to move you closer to your financial goals.
This is a time-sensitive offer.
Own The Ultimate BARON Wealth-Building Bundle Today!
Order NOW for Only $249.95!
Regular Price - $499.95
Total Value - $4,280.63
The Baron Son (Hard Cover)
The Baron Son is a revealing allegorical tale designed as the ethical road map to wealth, power, and success. A legend from centuries past, it is the tale of a young
boy who loses everything and through struggle finds the secret to become the richest, most powerful man the world has ever known.
Order the book that's changing lives around the world and give the gift of knowledge to family and friends.
Order NOW for Only $19.95!
The Baron Son (Audio Book)
The Baron Son unabridged audio book is available now! Learn the secrets of ethically attaining wealth, power, and success even during your idle time.
Order NOW for Only $24.95!
Empower yourself and friends with THE BARON line of motivational products for men, women, and children.
Find the perfect gift!
Visit BARON Store
Accessing Capital: How to Obtain Government Grants
Product: Audio CD with access to special notes and online resources
Seminar Description:
Are you throwing away FREE money? There is over $360 billion dollars awarded annually to State and local
governments, academia, non-profits, and other organizations. Learn how to find
and apply to over 900 grant programs from the 26 Federal grant-making
agencies. Take advantage of untapped resources including Federal, State, and
local grants, low-interest loans, and subsidies to fund your business,
non-profit organization, or real estate venture.
You will discover:
- Where to go to determine what sources of funds are available to you
- A step-by-step approach to the government grant process
- What you need to get started and how to write a business plan and/or grant proposal
- More about the various categories of grant programs being offered by the Federal government
- How to find grant writers to help you
Order NOW for Only $49.95!
Regular Price - $99.95
A New Mindset: How to Overcome Debt and Build Wealth
Product: Audio CD with access to special notes and online resources
Seminar Description:
Thousands of dollars in debt? Poor credit rating? Garnishment? Bankruptcy? No idea where to start or which way is up? This teleseminar is for you!
Debt is a scary place to be. It is emotionally and financially threatening. It limits your ability to meet daily expenses and invest for the future, and it creates
a long chain of financial difficulties. In this life-saving workshop, you will learn step-by-step how to rebuild your credit and the most expedient ways
to deal with your debt problems.
You will also learn how to:
- Determine when it is appropriate to use debt and what are the different types of debt that exist
- Order and interpret your various credit reports and scores
- Dispute and/or correct inaccurate information on your credit report
- Use strategies for lowering your interest rates and negotiating with creditors
- Change the mindset that created your debt problem
- Use tools for determining the fastest and cheapest way to pay off your debts
- Develop an effective debt reduction, savings, and wealth acquisition plan
Order NOW for Only $49.95!
Regular Price $99.95
BARON Tools and Strategies for Stock Market Investing
Product: Audio CD with access to special notes and online resources
Seminar Description:
Teaches how to identify and evaluate investment opportunities using Investor's Business Daily® newspaper. This course will show you some of the
techniques used by the most successful professional investors on Wall Street
to choose their stocks. With simple to follow guidance, this workshop will reveal easy-to-comprehend indicators of potential investment opportunities available in the
marketplace everyday. Professional investors understand that timing is
everything. This course will show you the importance of choosing the appropriate
stock, the appropriate way, at the appropriate time.
You will discover how to:
- Obtain the information, tools, and resources necessary to start investing in stocks
- Insightfully read stock tables and technical indicators
- Identify emerging stock market leaders
- Use tools for market timing and investment analysis
- Monitor individual stock performance, the business cycle, economy, Federal Reserve, inflation, and market sentiment and why they are all important to you
Order NOW for Only $49.95!
Regular Price - $99.95
BARON Real Estate Investment Strategies
Product: Audio CD with access to special notes and online resources
Seminar Description:
Have you participated in the American Dream and bought your first home? Have
you ever thought to yourself, "no-money real estate deals are impossible?"
Are you benefiting from the pre-foreclosure opportunities available in your
city? If you answered no to any of these questions, you will want to join us
as we discuss these and many other beneficial strategies used by the most
successful real estate investors. Learn why real estate is a choice wealth-builder to even the richest Americans.
You will discover:
- The various ways you can profit through real estate investing including cash flow, price appreciation, tax deductions, tax credits, and more
- How to get started when you have limited cash or poor credit
- Strategies to make money regardless of market conditions
- How to locate bargains
- How to spot important trends and ways to analyze the market in any given geographic region
Order NOW for Only $49.95!
Regular Price - $99.95
Personal Finance & Entrepreneurship Success Fundamentals
Product: Audio CD with access to special notes and online resources
Seminar Description:
This is one of the most important courses you will ever take! When it comes to your investments, understanding financial statements is
as critical as knowing how to read or do basic math. This practical financial
education will help to develop the habits of mind necessary to avoid debt,
make more successful investments, and live an exceedingly comfortable lifestyle.
You will discover how to:
- Create a personal financial statement to monitor income, expenses, cash flow and debt
- Mirror the financial strategies used by Fortune 100 companies to improve your life
- Understand financial statements without having to be an accountant
- Read the three major financial statements: Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Cash Flow
- Monitor existing investments and determine if companies are profitable before making any future investments
Order NOW for Only $49.95!
Regular Price - $99.95
How to Start and Run Your Business the Right Way
Product: Audio CD with access to special notes and online resources
Seminar Description:
Discover practical ideas for building wealth through a small business and using online and direct selling techniques.
You will begin to master key areas to your success and learn more
about the 4 secrets that cause most small businesses to fail and most
franchises to succeed. Whether you are a new or seasoned entrepreneur, this
course will help you leverage your time and other resources to maximize returns.
You will discover how to:
- Get started and the elements of a successful business plan and business model.
- Find a profitable business idea and create a market niche
- Find customers to buy your products and services
- Profitably market to and reach your target audience
- Leverage other people to help you create wealth
Order NOW for Only $49.95!
Regular Price - $99.95
Upcoming Events
HYATTSVILLE, MD - January 20th
Karibu Books
The Mall at Prince George's
3500 East-West Highway
Hyattsville, MD 20782
THE BARON SOLUTION Financial Workshop
Saturday, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
For more information: http://www.karibubooks.com
NATIONWIDE - February 7th - March 14th
THE BARON SOLUTION 5-Week Entrepreneurship Training
Wednesday, 8:30 - 10:00 PM EST
Register now: http://www.baronseries.com/store.htm#12
View More Events
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