Showing You the Money!
Dear Baron Subscriber,
People often ask how are we so successful at helping entrepreneurs, business owners and nonprofits secure money to grow their organizations through the
BARON Business Coaching Program.
"William's advice has helped me secure over $100,000 in corporate sponsorship and grants. One of the program's accelerators was a letter that helped me secure two four-figure corporate sponsorship deals in 15 minutes. BARON Coaching is by far the best investment I have ever made."
- Sasha Ottey
Executive Director
PCOS Challenge, Inc.
Since many people struggle with this issue, I wanted to share with you some specific resources, insights and strategies for getting the funds you need as well as the top seven mistakes business owners make when asking for money.
The Seven "Biggest Mistakes"
Entrepreneurs Make When
Asking for Money from Investors
Not having a scalable business.
Sophisticated investors are attracted to businesses that are not totally dependent on a single individual. Therefore, it is important to have an experienced management team and documented processes that will allow you to bring in other people to run parts of the business and help you duplicate the business's success on a larger scale.
Choosing the wrong type of financing and investor.
Many times people make the mistake of taking on a silent investor when establishing trade lines of credit or taking on a business loan could provide them with the short-term cash they need to grow their businesses. As a result, they needlessly give up too much equity in their companies and lose the long-term financial benefits that more ownership would provide. Conversely, some business owners might go after loans when corporate sponsorship or strategic partnerships would give them cheaper access to the funds or resources they need. A business coach can be extremely valuable in helping you to determine the right type of financing and partners for the current stage of your business.
Not having a business plan.
No sophisticated investor will take you seriously if you do not have a business plan. Your business plan will show your financials as well as identify your growth strategy and the risk factors that investors need to know to properly value your business.
Not properly valuing your business
(Asking for too much money).
Many individuals will try to offer investors very little equity in exchange for a disproportionately large financial investment in their company just because they think they have a great idea. However, you should understand that ideas alone are not worth much. From an investor's viewpoint, your business is typically only worth 1.5-2.5 times its sales or 2.5-4.5 times its earnings, depending on your industry. So, it is important to be realistic when asking for money.
Asking for too little money.
Some business owners make the mistake of not properly planning and costing out their business growth initiatives. As a result, they have to go back to their investors asking for more money (often on very disadvantageous terms).
Asking for money too soon.
Many entrepreneurs ask for money too early in their business development. They make the mistake of asking for money before they have sales and have proven their business model. As a result they end up losing controlling interest (i.e. losing 51-100% ownership in their companies). To retain the greatest amount of ownership and control in your company, it is best to show that your business has been able to make significant sales and that you just need additional capital from investors with deeper industry relationships and knowledge to expand faster.
Not creating an exit strategy for investors.
One of the critical things you always need to stay focused on and to show investors is how they will recoup their investment. There are many ways to generate a return for investors including priority payments from specific projects; priority payments from product and service sales; the outright sale of the company; and direct or initial public offerings.
Want to learn more ways to get money for your business or nonprofit organization?
There are billions of dollars in funds available in the form of:
You will find specific insights, resources and strategies for raising funds in the following FREE webinar replay on Growing Your Million Dollar Business.
To learn more ways that you can achieve your financial and business goals faster, visit the Business Coaching area of
In all you do, continued success!
With every good wish,
P.S. You are encouraged to forward this newsletter to people that you think may benefit from the resources and information.
In Case You Missed it... William R. Patterson on Building Your Million Dollar Network
(A Must Hear Interview)
Business Coach and international best-selling author William R. Patterson appears on How to Win Friends and Influence People the Grace and Charm Way with Walethia Aquil to share strategies for building your million dollar network.
In this powerful interview, you will discover how to:
Get major corporations, celebrities and millionaires to partner with you and champion your business, products and services.
Leverage simple strategies that will help make you more popular, increase your income and build wealth faster.
Build relationships with people that can help your company, project or venture quickly gain momentum with the media, other major players and the general public.
Overcome resistance and properly follow up until you get a "Yes!"
Accelerate your success by getting credible introductions from key influencers and opinion molders.
Listen to the Interview Now!
Seven Characteristics of Millionaire Entrepreneurs
"Business measures individuals by seven elements: character, vision, competence, will, values, associations, and successes. Unethical people shall not receive money from me regardless of how they may rank in the other areas. Shortsighted people achieve small victories at best; thus, they should occupy lesser positions. Incompetent individuals should never be hired.
If, in due course, one is found, his manager's prudence should be called into question as well. People with weak will are unable to persist through difficult times, while an individual whose values differ from yours will promote discordant causes. If an individual possesses the first five elements, one need not be concerned with the last two, they shall find him. They serve to gauge how experienced in business one is. The more experienced, the lower the risk of monetary loss."
- Excerpt from The Baron Son, Page 96

Read the International Bestseller Today
Choose to Be Rich
Length: 2:22 Minutes

Short Description:
Learn how to make smarter financial decisions by understanding the present and future value of your money.
Listen to the BARON Podcast Now!
Need Help to Grow Faster?
The Baron Solution Group is acknowledged by many as the #1 business coaching firm for marketing, branding and business development.
Through The Baron Solution Group, you have a team of industry experts to help you generate more income and results faster. We can affordably assist clients with all aspects of business development regardless of size or industry.
Do you need help: |
Quickly and inexpensively getting your for-profit or nonprofit business off the ground?
Securing private investment; foundation and government grants; corporate sponsorship; and strategic partnerships to help finance your business?
Attracting tens-of-thousands of social media followers and subscribers to help you get more investors; advertisers; sponsors; customers; and major television, radio and book deals?
Booking major radio and television interviews to increase your sales and celebrity status?
Developing your own national television and radio shows?
Turning your book into an international best-seller that is translated around the world?
Getting celebrities, millionaires and other opinion molders to endorse and champion your products and services?
Getting your website on the first page of Google and other search engines and multiplying your website sales and traffic by 100-22,000%?
Creating an award-winning website that attracts thousands of new visitors and whose traffic flow is optimized to turn those visitors into subscribers and customers?
Developing new products to multiply your income by 200-1,000%?
Developing high-quality promotional material and marketing collateral for web, print and video that actually makes money?
Whatever you need to grow your business and income now, we can help. Call us toll-free at (888) 90-BARON or fill out our Business Coaching and Consulting information request form for your free consultation today. |
BARON Value Added Services: Your One-Stop Shop for Success

We have over 150 products and services and over 1,000 wealth building resources to help you accelerate your path to financial and entrepreneurial success. Below, you will find just a few of the BARON Coaching and Implementation Services available to help you.
Top Services Include:
Business and Wealth Coaching
Marketing, PR and Advertising Campaigns
Nonprofit Training
Television and Radio Show Development and Production
Video Production
Branding, Corporate Identity and Logo Development
Web Design and Development
Mobile Website and App Development
Product Launches
Search Engine Optimization
Social Media and Viral Marketing Campaigns
Press Release Writing and Distribution
Book Publishing and Marketing
To request more information or a quote for
any of the above services, visit: