"Branding and developing the proper positioning for your business are two of the most important things you can do as small business owner or direct sales representative . The benefits of branding and positioning include generating more income with less resistance from prospects, the ability to differentiate your business, products and services in a commodity based market, the ability to resist pricing pressure from low cost competitors, increased publicity and joint venture proposals, the opportunity to attract higher-quality management and support staff, and the ability to obtain a higher price for your business when selling or franchising it. If you are struggling with your business, one of the reasons is you probably have not developed a strong enough brand." - William R. Patterson
William R. Patterson on Web Wise Business with Chris Curtis
"The Baron" shares a fresh and truly integrated approach to building a successful business online that you can ultimately automate or sell even if you are starting with limited resources.
Show topics:
doing business on the web
Finding the right products to sell
Tips to convert web prospects into paying customers
How to increase your search engine rankings
How to attract paid advertisers
Listen Now!
Related Training:
How to Generate and Maximize Profits from Your Web Business
If you are serious about doing business on the web, this is one workshop you don't want to miss!
Want "The Baron" as your personal wealth coach or small business advisor?
More Inspiring BARON Success Stories
Michael Ford - Wellford, South Carolina
Discover how Michael Ford and his wife were able to save over $12,000 using BARON financial strategies.
Michael Mosley - Rialto, California
Discover how Michael Mosley was able to start his own business the right way using BARON entrepreneurship strategies.
Listen Now!
The number one reason people struggle financially is that they don't have a mentor. A mentor can accelerate your path to financial independence and save you tens-of-thousands of dollars and years of wasted time. From helping you to change your belief system to forming critical business relationships, a mentor's advice and direction is priceless. Need to quickly improve your personal finances or business? Don't struggle alone any longer! As your wealth coach, world-renowned financial and business expert William R. Patterson will personally walk you through how to apply THE BARON SOLUTION™
model to your personal finances and/or small business.
As your wealth coach, William will help you:
- Create a budget and implement a money management plan to find additional savings and income
- Find the cheapest and fastest way to pay off your debt, saving hundreds or thousands of dollars
- Evaluate investments in stocks, real estate, and private businesses to minimize risks and maximize return on investment
- Inexpensively build a team of professional advisors
- Develop better financial management skills with your spouse or partner
As your business consultant, William will help you:
- Tap into your passion and find your "great" business idea
- Create a business plan that will attract investors
- Determine the most appropriate strategies for financing your company
- Build business credit that does not require a personal guarantee
- Create an effective online and offline marketing campaign
- Find new sources of revenue
- Automate your business
- Find grant opportunities
Experience why top business leaders, financial professionals, and entrepreneurs such as billionaire Bob Johnson and NASDAQ's Chief Marketing Officer, John L. Jacobs, praise William's breakthrough
approach. For more information on wealth coaching, call (888) 90-BARON or complete the form in Workshops/Coaching section of The Baron Series website.
Request Wealth Coaching Now: I'm ready to be the next BARON success story!
Title: 5 Easy Ways to Build Up Your Cash Reserve
Length: 2:39 Minutes
Short Description:
To prepare for emergencies and to take advantage of new investment opportunities, you will need to save up enough money to cover at least six-to-twelve month's worth of living expenses. You will need even more if you are considering a large purchase such as a house, car, or business. Here are five quick BARON tips that can help you easily build up a cash reserve on even the tightest of budgets.
Listen Now!
Financial Term of the Week
Accredited Investor
A wealthy investor who meets certain SEC requirements for net worth and income allowing that person or entity to invest in certain types of higher risk investments, private placements, hedge funds, limited partnerships, and angel investor networks. The term generally includes institutional investors, endowment and pension plans, company directors and executive officers, high net worth individuals, and certain other entities. In the United States, for an individual to be considered an accredited investor, they must have a net worth of at least $1,000,000 or have made at least $200,000 each year for the last two years ($300,000 with his or her spouse if married) and have the expectation to make the same amount this year. This rule came into effect with the Securities Act of 1933.
Resources for Raising Investment Capital:
Go Big Network
VC Experts
Related Value Added Service:
BARON Business Plan & Offering Memorandum Preparation Service
This consultation driven package is essential for the entrepreneur looking to raise capital from qualified friends and family, venture capitalists, and other sophisticated and/or accredited investors.
THE BARON SOLUTION 5-Week Entrepreneurship Training
Dates: Every Tuesday, May 18th - June 15th
Time: 8:30 -10:00 PM EST
Seminar Description:
There is no need squander your efforts with strategies that have no hope of returning your investment, much less
yielding a profit. Let THE BARON SOLUTION 5-Week Entrepreneurship Training empower you with the knowledge necessary
to identify and replicate the tactics of the most successful people and companies in your field. Whether you are a new or seasoned
entrepreneur, THE BARON SOLUTION strategies will help you leverage your time and other resources to maximize profits and returns.
This concentrated 5-week course will show you how to:
- Find a great business idea and create a market niche
- Write a business plan that will attract investors
- Perfect your business model
- Find the best professional advisors
- Protect your ideas
- Form and effectively manage various entities including Corporations, Limited Partnerships (LPs), and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs)
- Finance your business with debt and/or equity
- Build business credit that does not require a personal credit check or guarantee
- Find the most appropriate investors and lenders
- Choose the right business partners
- Generate free publicity for your business
- Use winning strategies to sell your products and services online and offline
- Find untapped online resources for market research, low cost advertising and promotion
- Profitably market your products, services, and business on a limited budget
- Work with distributors, wholesalers, and retailers
- Find methods to dramatically increase your business referrals
- Find new markets to sell your products and services
- Form strategic partnerships to multiply your income
- Leverage key resources and people to help you create wealth
- Optimize your business activities to boost productivity, income, and cash flow
- Automate your business
- Turn your business into a franchise
- Determine the value of your business
- Sell your business
- Explore options of Direct Public Offerings (DPOs) and Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)
You will be exposed to these ideas and much more!
Register NOW!
Women Entrepreneur CEO Training
Dates: Every Thursday, May 20th - June 17th
Time: 8:30 -10:00 PM EST
Seminar Description:
This is a high-powered, tailored version of THE BARON SOLUTION 5-Week Entrepreneurship Training designed to address the specific needs, challenges, and opportunities faced by women entrepreneurs.
Everyday more and more women are embracing entrepreneurship as a viable, fulfilling career alternative to traditional forms of employment and a powerful means of building wealth.
Women entrepreneurs own over 6.5 million businesses generating $940 billion in revenues. This powerful BARONESS course will teach you the financial and business fundamentals
that every woman entrepreneur must know to compete and run her business profitably.
Female entrepreneurs face both exciting and challenging times. Despite unprecedented opportunities for success, many barriers still exist in the form of accessing:
- Affordable business and financial training
- Start-up and expansion capital
- Useable and timely information
- Government resources
- Strategic partnerships
- Mentoring programs
The Women Entrepreneur CEO Training workshop will help you address and eliminate many hurdles, pitfalls, and obstacles including lack of time, money, experience, and other resources.
Discover the mindset, vision, skills, and strategies needed for success.
Through this Baroness training program, you will learn:
- How to capitalize on the female entrepreneur's unique position in the marketplace
- To think differently and strategically when it comes to female and minority business development
- How to leverage innovative strategies to finance and grow your business
- How to most effectively use strategic partnerships to increase chances for success and the magnitude of opportunities
- How to overcome common barriers such as inaccessible markets, lack of information, and scarce resources
Program offering also includes:
- Sample business plan, financial statement forms, and contracts
- The TBS "Insider's Resource List" of small business friendly vendors, and low cost and no cost products and services
- Web Entrepreneurs Toolkit
- And much more!
Register NOW!
How to Explode the Profits of Your Direct Sales Business

Workshop Includes:
- Dual Audio CD Set and Online Replay of Workshop
- Access to Special Notes and Online Resources
Seminar Description:
To sell your products and services, are you using outdated, ineffective scripted sales pitches such as:
- Are you open to other income opportunities?
- Would you give me your opinion on my ___ business?
- Visit this website or call this toll-free number and listen to a recorded message that will change your life.
- I'm working with a billion-dollar company in the ___ industry and would like to talk to you about...
- How would you like to make ___ thousand dollars per week or day?
Learn how to build your direct sales business and organization the right way, recouping your startup and promotional
costs faster and with higher returns. In any direct sales organization, membership turnover and sustained customer sales are
a major challenge. Discover winning strategies to increase business referrals, create synergy, increase cross-selling opportunities,
and find new markets to sell your products and services. Use this workshop to empower your representatives with new knowledge
and skills crucial to building a solid base of customers and down-line representatives. Learn The Baron's inspired approach for
motivating others to take meaningful actions that will help their businesses thrive.
You will discover how to:
- Develop a new mindset and innovative approach to building a successful brand and business that includes direct sales, but not limited to direct sales products
- Properly evaluate direct sales opportunities to find the best business and product line combinations appropriate for you
- Create the greatest value in the marketplace and overcome the challenges of being in a commodity-based business where everyone is struggling to sell the exact same product the exact same way
- Capitalize on the 5 significant untapped revenue streams that nearly all network marketers miss
- Benefit from direct sales opportunities when you don't have the money to join a particular organization and/or buy products
- Get associates and prospects excited about the business and limit your down-line and organization turnover
- Use innovative strategies to sell your products and services online and offline when you have limited time and money
Order NOW for Only $99.95!
Take Advantage of the BARON Direct Sales Bundle for Only $299.95!
Bundle Includes: Direct Sales, Teleseminar, Marketing & Promotion, and Email List-Building Workshops
(Total Value - $400.00)
How to Start and Run Your Business the Right Way

Workshop Includes:
- Audio CD and Online Replay of Workshop
- Access to Special Notes and Online Resources
Seminar Description:
Discover practical ideas for building wealth through a small business and using online and direct selling techniques.
You will begin to master key areas to your success and learn more
about the 4 secrets that cause most small businesses to fail and most
franchises to succeed. Whether you are a new or seasoned entrepreneur, this
course will help you leverage your time and other resources to maximize returns.
You will discover how to:
- Get started and the elements of a successful business plan and business model
- Find a profitable business idea and create a market niche
- Find customers to buy your products and services
- Profitably market to and reach your target audience
- Leverage other people to help you create wealth
Order NOW for Only $99.95!
Take Advantage of The BARON Ultimate Wealth- Building Bundle for Only $499.95!
Bundle Includes: The Baron Son Book and Audio Book, Debt, Stock Market, Personal Finance Fundamentals, Entrepreneurship, and Government Grant Workshops
(Total Value - $4,280.63)
Highly Effective, Low Cost Strategies for Marketing and Promoting Any Business

Workshop Includes:
- Dual Audio CD Set and Online Replay of Workshop
- Access to Special Notes and Online Resources
Seminar Description:
Have you ever heard the mantra "Build it and they will come?" Unfortunately, that saying
happens to be one of the biggest misconceptions in business today. Entrepreneurs often
think that if they have a great product or service that will be enough. However, without the
proper marketing, branding, and distribution, even the best product offerings will fall flat.
Cost effectively reaching prospects and converting those prospects into customers is the biggest challenge of any business.
Learn invaluable strategies for profitably marketing your products, services, and company on a limited
budget both online and offline.
You will discover how to:
- Generate thousands of dollars in free publicity for your business
- Improve your sales and marketing communications to convert more prospects into repeat customers
- Significantly increase traffic from qualified buyers to your website
- Use winning strategies to sell your products and services online and offline
- Find untapped online resources for market research, low cost advertising and promotion
- Find methods to dramatically increase your business referrals
- Track the effectiveness and optimize your marketing and advertising campaigns for a higher return on investment
- Use partnerships and affiliate programs to lower your advertising costs and increase conversions
Order NOW for Only $99.95!
The Baron Son (Hard Cover)
The Baron Son is a revealing allegorical tale designed as the ethical road map to wealth, power, and success. A legend from centuries past, it is the tale of a young
boy who loses everything and through struggle finds the secret to become the richest, most powerful man the world has ever known.
Order the book that's changing lives around the world and give the gift of knowledge to family and friends.
Order NOW for Only $19.95!
The Baron Son (Audio Book)
The Baron Son unabridged audio book is available now! Learn the secrets of ethically attaining wealth, power, and success even during your idle time.
Order NOW for Only $24.95!
The BARON Ultimate Wealth-Building BundleThe #1 Wealth-Building Bundle on Google.com
Invest in yourself and make 2014 your best year ever! For those who are serious about attaining financial independence, we've put together a very special offer, The BARON Ultimate Wealth-Building Bundle.
The Ultimate Bundle includes:
($599.70 Value)
- A New Mindset: How to Overcome Debt and Build Wealth
- BARON Tools and Strategies for Stock Market Investing
- BARON Real Estate Investment Strategies
- Personal Finance & Entrepreneurship Success Fundamentals
- How to Start and Run Your Business the Right Way
- Accessing Capital: How to Obtain Government Grants
- The Baron Son - Hard Cover Book ($19.95 Value)
- The Baron Son - Audio Book ($29.98 Value)
- FREE Audio Files, E-books, and Discounts ($3,631.00 Value)
We have teamed up with Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, David Bach, and many other extraordinary
experts and international best-selling authors on wealth-building, personal development, leadership, business,
and success to bring you vital resources designed to move you closer to your financial goals.
 Audio Book
 BARON 6-CD Wealth & Business Success Package
This is a time-sensitive offer.
Own The Ultimate BARON Wealth-Building Bundle Today!

Order NOW for Only $499.95!
Total Value - $4,280.63
Want a Turnkey Way to Make More Money?
Join The Baron Series Affiliate Program!
You now have the opportunity to partner with BaronSeries.com, one of the fastest growing brands in wealth and business education. Make money by telling your family, friends, and business associates about the BARON products you love. The Baron Series Affiliate Program can supplement your income with minimal effort on your part. Plus, we'll provide you with tools to help you market The Baron Series product line.
Best of all, joining The Baron Series Affiliate Program is FREE!
Join Now!
In the Media
THE BARON SOLUTION Minute can now be heard every Friday on the Oral Buffet with Hussein Hill.
NATIONWIDE - September 14th
Oral Buffet with Hussein Hill
Friday, 3:00 - 3:15 PM CDT
CHICAGO, IL - September 16th
The Louie Jones Show
WCFJ AM 1470
Sunday, 3:30 - 3:45 PM CDT
NATIONWIDE - September 18th
The Warren Ballentine Show
SiriusXM Radio 169 - The Power
Tuesday, 12:10 - 1:00 PM EDT
NEW YORK, NY/ATLANTA, GA - September 19th
The Urban Wall Street Project with Earl Christian III
Manhattan, NY - TV 56
Bronx, NY - TV 68
Altanta, GA - TV 24
Wednesday, 6:30-7:00 PM EST
Talk of the Town -- The Light Side of the News with Suzie Wiley
Wednesday, 12:40 - 1:00PM CST
View More Appearances
Upcoming Events
NATIONWIDE - May 18th - June 15th
THE BARON SOLUTION™ 5-Week Entrepreneurship Training
Tuesday, 8:30 - 10:00 PM EDT
Register Now: http://www.baronseries.com/store.htm#12
NATIONWIDE - May 20th - June 17th
THE BARON SOLUTION™ Women Entrepreneur CEO Training
Thursday, 8:30 - 10:00 PM EDT
Register Now: http://www.baronseries.com/store.htm#12
KERNERSVILLE, NC - October 13th
Nationalist Black Leadership Council (NBLC) Convention
Workshop: How to Grow, Automate, and Optimize Your Business the Right Way
Saturday, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM EST
Register Now: http://www.bringbackblack.org
NATIONWIDE - October 15th
Your Emerging Small Business' Lunch and Learn Show with Greg Williams
Workshop: How to Start and Run Your Business the Right Way
Monday, 12:00 - 12:30 PM EDT
Register Now: http://www.YourEmergingSmallBusiness.com
SAN DIEGO - October 20th
Women Entrepreneur CEO Training Workshop
Saturday, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
INTERNATIONAL - October 25th
Women Internet Marketers Teleseminar Week
Workshop: How to Generate and Maximize Profits from Your Web Business
Thursday, 8:00 - 9:00 PM EDT
Register Now: http://www.wimsite.com
View More Events
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