"Contrary to popular belief, financial independence is not about achieving the illusive goal of becoming a millionaire.
It is more about owning your time and living life on your own terms. Just ask the millionaire home owner or entrepreneur whose wealth is tied up in their residence or business, and their illiquid net worth does not allow them to enjoy the fruits of their investments.
In keeping with the true definition of financial independence, it is vital to structure your wealth and portfolio in away that brings greater freedom with every dollar made. Imagine having back the 40-50 hours a week that you spend at the office to dedicate to your family or your untapped million dollar business idea. Ultimately, it is generating cash flow from your assets and investments, not building up a lump sum, that will offer you the fastest path to true financial freedom." — William R. Patterson
Developing the Mind of a Winner
Wealth coach William R. Patterson appears on Respect for Life with Leroy Baylor to discuss developing the mind of a winner. He reveals insights from personal experience and over a decade of research on the psychology, strategies, tools, and resources needed to produce millionaires, high-level executives, professional athletes, and top performing students. William shares how you can use the renowned BARON coaching model to leverage industry best-practices, turnkey solutions, and value-added resources to train yourself and others to achieve the heights of success.
You will discover:
- THE BARON SOLUTION unique approach to coaching and personal development and why it continues to receive praise from top industry leaders
- How to overcome fear and anchor positive beliefs
- New ways to leverage The Law of Attraction
- Insights on Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and training your subconscious mind for success
- How to use modeling to double your income and results
- Ways to help your child dramatically improve their performance in school, sports, and life
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Title: Financial Strategies for Those Who Lack Retirement Savings
Length: 2:41 Minutes
Short Description:
At least 1-in-5 Americans has no assets or a negative net worth and as many as 40% will not have enough for retirement. Conventional thinking on retirement planning says, "to live comfortably, the average person must reduce their expenses and strive to replace at least 80% of their pre-retirement income." This typically requires a nest egg of 1-2 million dollars. For late starters, this can be a daunting or nearly impossible task. Here is an alternative BARON strategy for those who lack retirement savings.
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Ask "The Baron" Question of the Week
I am starting a new retail business and wanted to know if it is worth hiring a publicist to help me market and promote my company. I am not sure how to gauge the benefits relative to the cost. — Kerry W.
William R. Patterson says:
For an entrepreneur, marketing and publicity should not be viewed as costs, but critical investments necessary to grow the business. Marketing Baron P.T. Barnum said "Without publicity a terrible thing happens...nothing!" It is the same with your business, products, and services. If you do not consistently promote, you will undoubtedly limit your sales or worse, give your competitors an opportunity to solidify their position in the mind of your customers and prospects as the brand of choice.
The right publicity will help you to establish your brand and positioning in the marketplace. A strong brand helps increase customer loyalty, prevents your products and services from being perceived as a commodity, opens distribution channels, creates opportunities for free advertising, and will help you sell your business at a higher price. Relatively speaking, for the small investment necessary to hire a good publicist, these are huge benefits that can translate into hundreds-of-thousands or millions of dollars for you.
Many new entrepreneurs start their businesses with the misconception that "if I create a great product, it will sell itself." What these entrepreneurs do not realize is that cost-effectively marketing their products and services is usually much harder than creating them.
While some parts of marketing and publicity are an art, many parts are a detailed science. The parts which are a science should be calculated in your business plan (i.e. cost to acquire a prospect, cost to acquire a customer, conversion rates, life-time value of a customer, etc.). If you know these numbers, it will be very easy to gauge the potential return-on-investment from any marketing or publicity effort.
I always suggest budgeting to hire an outside PR team. It is worth it because it frees up your time to focus on other important aspects of the business. A good PR team will also have relationships that can make things happen for you a lot quicker. You have a short window of opportunity to make your business successful, so leverage your time and utilize experts to the fullest. However, in order to receive the highest return on investment from your marketing and publicity efforts, you will need clear objectives, quantifiable measures of success, and a way of tracking the effectiveness of every campaign.
Submit Your Question Now!
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BARON Business Coaching and Consulting Programs
Leverage the breakthrough BARON model in order to generate highly effective, low-cost media exposure for your business, help successfully brand and launch new products and services, head off competition, improve operating cash flow, and grow your profits.
Financial Term of the Week
Living Trust
A type of trust created for the purpose of holding ownership to your assets during your lifetime, and for distributing those assets after death. Living trusts are commonly used in place of wills, to avoid probate. By using a living trust, your assets will be distributed much faster than with a will. It also offers a higher level of confidentiality, so the size and distribution of your estate will remain confidential and not a matter of public record. Moreover, trusts are usually harder to contest than wills and can help you substantially reduce estate taxes.
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More Inspiring BARON Success Stories
Michael Ford - Wellford, South Carolina
Discover how Michael Ford and his wife were able to save over $12,000 using BARON financial strategies.
Michael Mosley - Rialto, California
Discover how Michael Mosley was able to start his own business the right way using BARON entrepreneurship strategies.
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The number one reason people struggle financially is that they don't have a mentor. A mentor can accelerate your path to financial independence and save you tens-of-thousands of dollars and years of wasted time. From helping you to change your belief system to forming critical business relationships, a mentor's advice and direction is priceless. Need to quickly improve your personal finances or business? As your wealth coach, world-renowned financial and business expert William R. Patterson will personally walk you through how to apply THE BARON SOLUTION™
model to your personal finances and/or small business.
As your wealth coach, William will help you:
- Create a budget and implement a money management plan to find additional savings and income
- Find the cheapest and fastest way to pay off your debt, saving hundreds or thousands of dollars
- Evaluate investments in stocks, real estate, and private businesses to minimize risks and maximize return on investment
- Inexpensively build a team of professional advisors
- Develop better financial management skills with your spouse or partner
As your business consultant, William will help you:
- Tap into your passion and find your "great" business idea
- Create a business plan that will attract investors
- Determine the most appropriate strategies for financing your company
- Build business credit that does not require a personal guarantee
- Create an effective online and offline marketing campaign
- Find new sources of revenue
- Automate your business
- Find grant opportunities
Experience why top business leaders, financial professionals, and entrepreneurs such as billionaire Bob Johnson and NASDAQ's Chief Marketing Officer, John L. Jacobs, praise William's breakthrough
approach. For more information on wealth coaching, call (888) 90-BARON or complete the form in Workshops/Coaching section of The Baron Series website.
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A New Mindset: How to Overcome Debt and Build Wealth

Workshop Includes:
- Audio CD and Online Replay of Workshop
- Access to Special Notes and Online Resources
Seminar Description:
In this life-saving workshop, you will learn step-by-step how the average person can rebuild their credit and become completely debt free including their mortgage, student loans, car loans, and credit card debt in 5-7 years using only their own income. Thousands of dollars in debt? Poor credit rating? Garnishment? Bankruptcy? No idea where to start or which way is up? This workshop is for you!
You will discover:
- Determine when it is appropriate to use debt and what are the different types of debt that exist
- Order and interpret your various credit reports and scores
- Dispute and/or correct inaccurate information on your credit report
- Use strategies for lowering your interest rates and negotiating with creditors
- Change the mindset that created your debt problem
- Use tools for determining the fastest and cheapest way to pay off your debts
- Develop an effective debt reduction, savings, and wealth acquisition plan
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Bundle Includes: The Baron Son Book and Audio Book, Debt, Stock Market, Personal Finance Fundamentals, Entrepreneurship, and Government Grant Workshops
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How to Start and Run Your Business the Right Way

Workshop Includes:
- Audio CD and Online Replay of Workshop
- Access to Special Notes and Online Resources
Seminar Description:
Discover practical ideas for building wealth through a small business and using online and direct selling techniques.
You will begin to master key areas to your success and learn more
about the 4 secrets that cause most small businesses to fail and most
franchises to succeed. Whether you are a new or seasoned entrepreneur, this
course will help you leverage your time and other resources to maximize returns.
You will discover how to:
- Get started and the elements of a successful business plan and business model
- Find a profitable business idea and create a market niche
- Find customers to buy your products and services
- Profitably market to and reach your target audience
- Leverage other people to help you create wealth
Order NOW for Only $99.95!
Take Advantage of The BARON Ultimate Wealth- Building Bundle for Only $499.95!
Bundle Includes: The Baron Son Book and Audio Book, Debt, Stock Market, Personal Finance Fundamentals, Entrepreneurship, and Government Grant Workshops
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The Baron Son (Hard Cover)
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The BARON Ultimate Wealth-Building BundleThe #1 Wealth-Building Bundle as Ranked by Google.com
Invest in yourself and make 2014 your best year ever! For those who are serious about attaining financial independence, we've put together a very special offer, The BARON Ultimate Wealth-Building Bundle.
The Ultimate Bundle includes:
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- Accessing Capital: How to Obtain Government Grants
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We have teamed up with Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, David Bach, and many other extraordinary
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 Audio Book
 BARON 6-CD Wealth & Business Success Package
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Total Value - $4,280.63
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In the Media
NATIONWIDE - November 9th
Oral Buffet with Hussein Hill
Friday, 3:00 - 3:15 PM CDT
CHICAGO, IL - November 11th
The Louie Jones Show
WCFJ AM 1470
Sunday, 3:30 - 3:45 PM CST
NATIONWIDE - November 12th
April Sims A & E
Blog Talk Radio
Monday, 7:00 - 8:00 PM EST
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NEW YORK, NY/ATLANTA, GA - November 14th
The Urban Wall Street Project with Earl Christian III
Manhattan, NY - TV 56
Bronx, NY - TV 68
Altanta, GA - TV 24
Wednesday, 6:30-7:00 PM EST
NATIONWIDE - November 19th
The Uncle D Morning Show
Financial Success Strategies for Independent Artists and Musicians
Monday, 9:00 - 10:00 AM EST
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WASHINGTON, DC - November 12th
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Founder's Day
Community Service Award Honoree
Monday, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
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