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THE BARON INSIGHT (Do You Have Four Years to Waste?)
"The Law of Holes says, 'If you are in hole, stop digging!' One hour of sound planning saves you four hours of execution. If you multiply that out, one year of sound planning saves you four years of execution. Do you have four years to waste operating without the right plan? If you are operating with the wrong plan, it is even more costly because you are needlessly expending valuable time, energy, money, and other resources that could have been employed more constructively. Realize time is your most valuable asset and you can never get it back. Never waste time by operating without a plan or using the wrong plan. You should always utilize the knowledge of experts. The BARON Wealth Coaching and Business Consulting Programs can help you plan more effectively by leveraging industry best-practices, turnkey solutions, and value-added resources to generate more income and stability." — William R. Patterson
The Urban Wall Street Project Interview Part I
 4:09 Minutes
National best-selling author and business coach William R. Patterson shares BARON wealth-building lessons in an in-depth interview for The Urban Wall Street Project with Earl Christian III.
This week's show topic:
Billionaire Success Lessons
William shares success lessons from billionaires Donald Trump and Bob Johnson. Listen as he provides a fresh, innovative road map to financial empowerment and debt-free living.
Watch Interview Now!
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BARON Small Business and Entrepreneur Coaching Program
The number one reason people struggle in business is that they do not have a skilled mentor who holds them accountable for doing the right things.
Experience why top business leaders, financial professionals, and entrepreneurs such as billionaire Bob Johnson and NASDAQ's Chief Marketing Officer, John L. Jacobs, praise William R. Patterson's breakthrough approach.
William will apply over 200 business and financial accelerators in THE BARON SOLUTION™ to help you quickly improve the profits of your small business.
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Title: Five Considerations Before Making Any Financial Decision
Length: 2:04 Minutes
Short Description:
Most people struggle financially because they attempt to build wealth with a linear approach—using one investment strategy, one portfolio, and one stream of income. To build significant wealth in a way that brings you greater freedom with each dollar made, you have to learn to manage multiple investment strategies, multiples portfolios, and multiple streams of income.
Listen Now!
Part II: BARON Book Marketing Insights
When did you realize that you had a passion for writing, publishing, etc.?
I have always had a passion for writing because there was always a message that I wanted to convey, even as a little kid. My passion for writing is really a reflection of my deeper desire to help others. I also love writing as a medium because of the longevity, leverage, and potential impact of the work. I can write something once and positively affect the lives of millions of people around the world for generations to come. As we discuss in our book, The Baron Son, passion if harnessed appropriately is one of the most powerful forces there is. I always encourage people to make it a priority to become business owners and investors either through their passions or while pursuing their passions. The power of true passion combined with sound business and financial practices can make anyone wealthy—in every sense of the word.
How did you master the topic you'll be presenting at BWRC?
I have been writing professionally for over 15 years. I started out as a teenager doing freelance articles for magazines and newspapers. Next, I moved into writing marketing copy for Fortune 500 firms and small businesses. I later found worldwide success by creating and marketing The Baron Series line of books, audio CDs and other related material. Each step of my journey has prepared me for the next opportunity. Looking back, I now see how all the pieces fit together and how my experiences set the stage for my accomplishments as an author and writer. I have had years to figure out what works and what doesn't, and I look forward to helping others shorten their learning curve.
If you were to describe your upcoming sessions/ presentations in one word, what would it be?
What is one piece of advice that you'd give all aspiring authors?
Writing is a business; treat it like one. To be successful, it will take coaching, vision, planning, a strong network, investment, training, commitment and sacrifice. When it comes to achieving your writing and publishing goals, having a coach is one of the best investments you can make. You can more than double your chances for success by having a coach who can help you plan and who can hold you accountable for making measurable and sustained progress toward your goals. I spend over $15,000 a year on training just in the areas of effective communication, marketing, publishing and copywriting because I know the training will yield dividends six times over.
Read Entire Interview Now!
Related Training:
BARON Book Publishing & Marketing Success Secrets
Learn a step-by-step process for creating a winning book concept, writing, producing, publishing, and marketing a quality book quickly and on a limited budget.
Ask "The Baron" Question of the Week
How should the growth process be scheduled? How do I determine what the business needs to get to the next level along with priorities and how to set them? — Gloria J.
William R. Patterson says:
Here is a high-level overview of the process we use for planning a typical client's growth in the BARON Business Coaching Program .
There are primarily ten key factors to consider when planning the growth of your business:
- Demand — What is the current sustainable demand for your company's products and services? How many quarters ahead can you reasonably predict the company's revenue and earnings?
- Business Model — Does your business have an adequate product/service line, diversified client base, and margins to support and sustain growth? Is your company's business model scalable and does it have effective lead generation systems, a product development schedule, marketing and contact management systems, and turnkey joint-venture programs or must they be developed?
- Exit Strategy — Is your ultimate desire to automate, sell, or take the business public?
- Market Size — How big is your market? What untapped niches exist?
- Integration and Joint-Venture Opportunities — What are the joint-venture and vertical integration opportunities that can help you quickly lower costs, access new leads, and add new products and services to your line?
Read Entire Article Now!
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Related Value Added Service:
BARON Business Coaching Program There is no better investment for a small business owner that can as quickly and easily provide them with the right knowledge, plan, and tools.
Financial Term of the Week
Commodity Based Business
A company which sells products which are essentially undifferentiated. This means that there is no difference in the product regardless of which company you buy from (e.g. steel, oil, milk, etc.). Since there is little-to-no product differentiation between companies, commodity based businesses are often price driven, where the lowest price competitor wins. While the term commodity based business primarily refers to companies which sell products, the term may also be used to describe companies which provide services with little differentiation (e.g. airlines, telecommunications companies, etc.). Low margins, low barriers to entry and significant competition are often major challenges for those in commodity based businesses.
Are you in a commodity based business? Learn to Brand and Differentiate Yourself for Higher Profits
Resource of the Week
Are you a money-savvy parent? Instead of giving your children things that have no value this holiday season, why not give the gifts that will last generations? Start now to create a lifetime of financial independence for your children. Don't you wish your parents had done the same for you? Make the wise choice of gifting stocks and books that teach financial literacy. A better life starts with better decisions based on the proper knowledge.
BARON Investing Resources:
Related Training:
Youth Business and Financial Workshops
Learn how to: avoid and overcome debt; perceive market opportunities; create and implement a business plan; organize and leverage others to create wealth; form mentoring relationships and strategic partnerships; responsibly manage income, expenses, assets, and investment debts.
BARON Tools and Strategies for Stock Market Investing
Master techniques used by the most successful professional investors on Wall Street to choose their stocks.
Advanced BARON Tools and Strategies for Stock Market Investing
Learn strategies to enhance your income, buy and sell stocks at attractive prices, and insure your investments against a market decline.
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