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2007 Best Lecturer and Speaker Site (Black Web Awards)
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THE BARON INSIGHT (Emotional Intelligence — The New Wealth-Builder)
"Moving forward, entrepreneurs and small business owners will have to adopt a more holistic way of thinking and processing information to survive. As the majority of purchases are now made from emotion, superior logic and linear thinking are no longer enough to establish and maintain one's competitive edge. Those who most effectively integrate emotional intelligence into their business strategy will have a tremendous advantage in the marketplace and the ability to upset industry giants virtually overnight. Some of the high costs for those who fail to integrate emotional intelligence into their business strategy include substantial lost revenue, lower response rates to marketing, and greater resistance when forming strategic partnerships. Learn through BARON Business Coaching how you can generate higher profits, increased customer loyalty, more referrals, and find a deeper sense of meaning and purpose using emotional intelligence." — William R. Patterson
Holiday Offer Expires Tomorrow Friday, December 21st
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The Urban Wall Street Project Interview Part II
 3:20 Minutes
National best-selling author and business coach William R. Patterson shares BARON wealth-building lessons in an in-depth interview for The Urban Wall Street Project with Earl Christian III.
This week's show topic:
Multiply Your Income with BARON Business and Wealth Coaching
William R. Patterson discusses THE BARON SOLUTION™ Wealth and Business Coaching Program which helps individuals, entrepreneurs, and investors maximize income opportunities while minimizing risk. William shares how you can use business and wealth coaching to leverage industry best-practices, turnkey solutions, and value-added resources to achieve higher net income, growth, and financial independence.
Watch Interview Now!
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BARON Small Business and Entrepreneur Coaching Program
The number one reason people struggle in business is that they do not have a skilled mentor who holds them accountable for doing the right things.
Experience why top business leaders, financial professionals, and entrepreneurs such as billionaire Bob Johnson and NASDAQ's Chief Marketing Officer, John L. Jacobs, praise William R. Patterson's breakthrough approach.
William will apply over 200 business and financial accelerators in THE BARON SOLUTION™ to help you quickly improve the profits of your small business.
Multiply your odds for success with the proper coaching, planning, training, tools, and partnerships.
Request Business Coaching Now: I'm ready to be the next BARON success story!
Title: 7 Strategies for Developing Passive Income
Length: 2:48 Minutes
Short Description:
Step four of THE BARON SOLUTION Five-Step Action Plan for Building Wealth is developing a cash flow portfolio. This involves learning to create and acquire assets that produce income. Here are seven powerful ways in which you can begin to increase your cash flow with asset based income.
Listen Now!
Part III: BARON Book Marketing Insights
What is something you wish more writers understood about being an author and publisher?
Cost-effectively marketing your books and products is often times just as hard, if not harder, than creating them. Marketing Baron P.T. Barnum said, "Without publicity a terrible thing happens...nothing!" The same is true for writing. The idea of “If I write a great book, it will sell itself” is absurd. If you can afford it, hire an outside publicist. Having one frees up your time to do other important things such as develop new content. A good publicist will also have relationships that can make things happen for you a lot quicker. I would also encourage new authors to take advantage of every marketing opportunity regardless of how small. You have a short window of opportunity to make your book successful, so use it to the fullest. Lastly, look for creative ways to market your book and for other author, product or service tie-ins. We highlight this type of “Allied Effort,” that ultimately creates greater value for everyone, as a “Supreme Principle” in The Baron Son.
At what other writers' conferences have you presented a session?
I usually do 20-30 speaking engagements a year, in addition to coaching, teleseminars and webinars on writing and book publishing. BaronSeries.com features a detailed itinerary of events I usually attend. I am always teaching in the U.S. and abroad, and I encourage students to send in their feedback and success stories. I enjoy sharing them with others.
What advice would you give to someone who has never attended a writers' conference?
Take a few moments to write down your objectives for attending the conference and each workshop. This will provide you with a game plan, prevent you from wasting time and ensure that you accomplish what you intended to at the conference. In addition to the valuable strategies that you will learn from presenters at the event, you should use conference time to get answers to questions that are often not addressed in books. If you are unable to attend a specific workshop due to a conflict, check to see if the presenter has products, services or an e-mail newsletter that covers what you missed. You might even get additional insights on the topic. To achieve high-level success as an author or writer, you will need some type of mentoring, coaching and continuing education, so keep an eye out for instructors who may be offering those services. Last but not least, during your downtime, network with other authors and writers. Realize 80% of your success as a writer will be the result of soft skills—your ability to network, form mentoring relationships, strategic partnerships and joint ventures.
What are some projects you have in the works? Are there any in particular you'd like us to look out for in the near future?
We have a BARON Business Coaching Program which helps writers develop and market their work. We are guiding a number of upcoming authors through building their brands and creating international best-sellers. Also, my co-authors and I are working on the next installment in The Baron Series which will be geared toward women. The Russian, Portuguese and Korean versions of The Baron Son will also be launching in '08 and are expected to do well. In addition, we are now negotiating the rights to our screenplay, CUFFLINKS®:, a financial drama.
Read Entire Interview Now!
Related Training:
BARON Book Publishing & Marketing Success Secrets
Learn a step-by-step process for creating a winning book concept, writing, producing, publishing, and marketing a quality book quickly and on a limited budget.
Ask "The Baron" Question of the Week
I was shocked to learn recently that inflation has now climbed over 4.3%. The money market account I have through my bank is only paying 1.8% interest. I don't want to see my money continue to lose value. Are there some higher-yielding places that I can keep cash that I will need short-term? — Lisa E.
William R. Patterson says:
Lisa, you are right to be concerned. To help avoid the severe impact of inflation on your savings, it is important to keep your cash in liquid, guaranteed or very safe investments that pay the highest yields. Here are five great money making options for the smartest BARON savers.
Listen Now!
Submit Your Question Now!
Related Value Added Service:
BARON Wealth Coaching
Your BARON Wealth Coach will show you how to implement a personalized money management plan to reduce risk and find additional savings and income.
Financial Term of the Week
Debt Management Plan
A bill payment plan negotiated for a borrower facing financial difficulty that is agreed to by both the borrower and creditors. Debt management plans are designed to reduce and eventually eliminate the borrower's outstanding debts through consolidated payments at reduced or interest-free terms. Debt management plans are often created with the help of a Credit Counselor.
Money Saving BARON Resources: Find a Non-Profit Credit Counselor in Your Area Now!
Related Training:
A New Mindset: How to Overcome Debt and Build Wealth
By applying THE BARON SOLUTION debt-reduction strategies, the average person can become completely debt free including their mortgage, student loans, car loans, and credit card debt in 5-7 years using only their own income. Don't struggle any longer, free yourself from debt now!
Related Value Added Service:
BARON Wealth Coaching
Learn to quickly get out of debt and take control of your personal finances with the step-by-step guidance from your BARON Wealth Coach.
Resource of the Week
Tax Strategies for Business Professionals
If you own your own business (even a small home based business) or if you're an Independent Contractor, Sandy Botkin's Tax Strategies for Business Professionals audio series will help you save hundreds...even thousands of dollars each year. Sandy's program has taught more than 50,000 taxpayers how to save over $300 million on their taxes.
You will learn how to potentially deduct:
- Most of your fun activities such as movies, plays, sporting events, and season tickets.
- All parties in your home.
- Any vacation anywhere in the world by combining the trip with business.
- All dry cleaning and laundry and even the cost of clothing itself!
- The equivalent of your children’s weddings and education, including law school and medical school.
- The equivalent of all your children's braces and dental expenses, all mileage to and from the doctor, all deductibles, and all eye glasses and contact lenses.
- The cost of two or even three or more cars in your business.
- All this and much more!
Reduce Your Income Tax Now:
Tax Strategies for Business Professionals
THE BARON SOLUTION 5-Week Entrepreneurship Training
Dates: Every Tuesday, May 18th - June 15th
Time: 8:30 -10:00 PM EST
Seminar Description:
There is no need squander your efforts with strategies that have no hope of returning your investment, much less
yielding a profit. Let THE BARON SOLUTION 5-Week Entrepreneurship Training empower you with the knowledge necessary
to identify and replicate the tactics of the most successful people and companies in your field. Whether you are a new or seasoned
entrepreneur, THE BARON SOLUTION strategies will help you leverage your time and other resources to maximize profits and returns.
This concentrated 5-week course will show you how to:
- Find a great business idea and create a market niche
- Write a business plan that will attract investors
- Perfect your business model
- Find the best professional advisors
- Protect your ideas
- Form and effectively manage various entities including Corporations, Limited Partnerships (LPs), and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs)
- Finance your business with debt and/or equity
- Build business credit that does not require a personal credit check or guarantee
- Find the most appropriate investors and lenders
- Choose the right business partners
- Generate free publicity for your business
- Use winning strategies to sell your products and services online and offline
- Find untapped online resources for market research, low cost advertising and promotion
- Profitably market your products, services, and business on a limited budget
- Work with distributors, wholesalers, and retailers
- Find methods to dramatically increase your business referrals
- Find new markets to sell your products and services
- Form strategic partnerships to multiply your income
- Leverage key resources and people to help you create wealth
- Optimize your business activities to boost productivity, income, and cash flow
- Automate your business
- Turn your business into a franchise
- Determine the value of your business
- Sell your business
- Explore options of Direct Public Offerings (DPOs) and Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)
You will be exposed to these ideas and much more!
Register NOW!
Women Entrepreneur CEO Training
Dates: Every Thursday, May 20th - June 17th
Time: 8:30 -10:00 PM EST
Seminar Description:
This is a high-powered, tailored version of THE BARON SOLUTION 5-Week Entrepreneurship Training designed to address the specific needs, challenges, and opportunities faced by women entrepreneurs.
Everyday more and more women are embracing entrepreneurship as a viable, fulfilling career alternative to traditional forms of employment and a powerful means of building wealth.
Women entrepreneurs own over 6.5 million businesses generating $940 billion in revenues. This powerful BARONESS course will teach you the financial and business fundamentals
that every woman entrepreneur must know to compete and run her business profitably.
Female entrepreneurs face both exciting and challenging times. Despite unprecedented opportunities for success, many barriers still exist in the form of accessing:
- Affordable business and financial training
- Start-up and expansion capital
- Useable and timely information
- Government resources
- Strategic partnerships
- Mentoring programs
The Women Entrepreneur CEO Training workshop will help you address and eliminate many hurdles, pitfalls, and obstacles including lack of time, money, experience, and other resources.
Discover the mindset, vision, skills, and strategies needed for success.
Through this Baroness training program, you will learn:
- How to capitalize on the female entrepreneur's unique position in the marketplace
- To think differently and strategically when it comes to female and minority business development
- How to leverage innovative strategies to finance and grow your business
- How to most effectively use strategic partnerships to increase chances for success and the magnitude of opportunities
- How to overcome common barriers such as inaccessible markets, lack of information, and scarce resources
Program offering also includes:
- Sample business plan, financial statement forms, and contracts
- The TBS "Insider's Resource List" of small business friendly vendors, and low cost and no cost products and services
- Web Entrepreneurs Toolkit
- And much more!
Register NOW!
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